Written immediately after he had come to see us perform at the Cock and establish whether we were suitable to play at The Not the 9 O’Clock News party at the Roundhouse (we weren’t). He thankfully arrived there too late to see us perform.

Only 5 Badges made. One of them buried with Nev

Barracuda Club Invite

Front and Rear of Hit Single - now a rare collectors item, found for sale at crazy prices on the internet

We are even on Belgian and Japanese Punk Rock compilation albums

Some of the Responses found on Julian’s Answering Machine after the Evening Standard Article asking for new Pukettes to apply

Lovely Elderly Cockney Lady also applying to be a new Pukette

Riverside Studios Press Release

Letter of thanks from the Riverside. Alan
clearly never saw the performance

Very complicated chords for Ozymandias (B side of Single).

Flyer and Poster for the Cock

Lyrics to “I can’t get enough of it”. Includes the memorable lines:

Get out the Door ‘cos I don’t fancy you no more You Slut you Whore You’ve ruined my Cortina’s floor

Invite to Toyah’s Warehouse - completely wrong map

On the Internet as both one of the Best and one of the Worst Record Covers. Snapshot of some of the Worst below

Only letter received at our “Fan Club” (address printed on the back of our Single). Gonzo, who was serving in the US Military and based in Mildenhall, Norfolk had seen us at Rougham.

Puke used to practice at Clink Studio in Clink Street, South London . Clink Street was later to become famous for the genesis of Rave Culture in London. Clink Studio, when Puke used it, was in a warren of rooms in an otherwise completely deserted run down building.