5 Band Members and 1 Pukette (still looking pretty good). Spain 2014

2 Band Members and 1 Pukette. California 2019. The son of the Bass Player married the daughter of the first and original Pukette.

Visit to Club “Heavy Sick” in Tokyo 2020. Thrilled to see that the spirit of Heavy Puke lives on worldwide. Either of these 2 guitarists would be welcomed immediately on stage as part of Puke

Gut Luggage, a South Dorset offshoot of Puke, form in 1998. They struggle to find a permanent drummer, but eventually have to settle on part-time availability of Jason, the Cure’s drummer. Ollie Forrest Thompson, former lead guitarist for Brian Ferry, is also a guest guitarist from time to time.


Wild Thing (featuring Ollie)

Blitzkrieg Bop

Our first Heavy Puke Tribute Band. Students at Christs Hospital School heard our single and decided to perform it at a School Talent Competition. Although the overwhelming consensus was that they smashed it, the judges felt the content only enabled them to award 2nd place https://drive.google.com/file/d/11Lp2lSRinA7z3JU4V-7tHamkzqpimCOx/view

Alex, one of Puke’s guitarists, has moved to Dubai and has started a band “Monks on the Moon” out there